Enable stronger anti-crypto abuse features for a hub#

These docs discuss how to enable the execwhacker detector, particularly for hubs that are open to the world. attacks are the most common security threat. They take up resources and rack up They also cover:

  • how to test if execWhacker is operational,

  • regenerating the list of banned strings used by execwhacker, and

  • how to work on the encrypted banned strings generator script.


For more information on cryptnono, it’s use, and the detectors, please see Cryptnono for preventing cryptomining abuse and cryptnono/cryptnono.

Enabling the execwhacker detector#

The execwhacker detector can be enabled with the following configuration in the appropriate support.values.yaml for the cluster:

    # Enable execwhacker, as this cluster has a hub that is widely open to the public
      enabled: true

Upon deployment of this change, you can verify the detector is enabled by looking for a container named execwhacker in the cryptnono daemonset in the support namespace.

kubectl -n support get daemonset support-cryptnono -o yaml

Testing the execwhacker detector#

To test that the detector is actually working, you can login to a hub on the cluster and try to execute the following command:

sh -c 'sleep 1 && echo beiquatohGa1uay0ahMies9couyahPeiz9xohju3Ahvaik3FaeM7eey1thaish1U'

It should immediately die, with a message saying Killed. This is a randomly generated test string, set up in an unencrypted fashion in helm-charts/support/values.yaml under cryptnono.detectors.execwhacker.configs, to enable testing by engineers and others. We also put the sleep in there as it can sometimes take cryptnono upto a second to kill a process.

Looking at logs to understand why a process was killed by execwhacker#

Cryptnono is deployed as a daemonset, so there should be one pod per node deployed. It will log each process it kills, why it kills them, and if it intentionally spares a process, why as well. So if a process is being killed due to this, you can look at logs to understand why - it may also lead to more tweaking of the generator config.

  1. Find the node in which the user server is running.

    kubectl -n <hub-name> get pod -o wide

    The -o wide will add an additional column, NODE, showing which node the pods are running in. Find the node of the user pod you care about.

  2. Find the appropriate cryptnono pod for this node.

    kubectl -n support get pod \
     --field-selector spec.nodeName=<name-of-node> \
     -l app.kubernetes.io/name=cryptnono

    This should show just the cryptnono pod running on the node in which the user server in question was running.

  3. Look at the logs on that pod with kubectl logs:

    kubectl -n support logs <pod-name> -c execwhacker

    The logs will be structured as json, and will look like this:

         "pid": 23933,
         "cmdline": "/usr/bin/sh -c 'sleep 1 && echo beiquatohga1uay0ahmies9couyahpeiz9xohju3ahvaik3faem7eey1thaish1u'",
         "matched": "beiquatohga1uay0ahmies9couyahpeiz9xohju3ahvaik3faem7eey1thaish1u",
         "source": "execwhacker.bpf",
         "container_type": "cri",
         "labels": {
             "io.kubernetes.container.name": "notebook",
             "io.kubernetes.pod.name": "jupyter-921a1d97-2d4cb1-2d4eb1-2da427-2dd5eed98e3ab9",
             "io.kubernetes.pod.namespace": "spyglass",
             "io.kubernetes.pod.uid": "d2ed6416-812f-413b-ba53-e62d11646809"
         "image": "quay.io/2i2c/hhmi-spyglass-image:67523d9ea855",
         "action": "killed",
         "event": "Killed process",
         "level": "info",
         "timestamp": "2024-01-31T16:59:32.990489Z"

    This tells us that the name of the process, the name of the pod (and hence user) who was cryptomining, the namespace (and hence hub name) it happened in, the image being used as well as what string was matched that caused it to die.


    The logs by default output one JSON object per line, which is hard for a human to read. You can pipe it to jq to make it easier to read!

Regenerating list of banned strings#

Periodically, we will have to regenerate the list of banned strings to tune cryptnono, by running the following command:

deployer generate cryptnono-secret-config

This will update the file helm-charts/support/enc-cryptnono.secret.values.yaml and re-encrypt it.

Working on the banned strings generator#

The banned strings generator is a fairly simple python script, present in deployer/commands/generate/cryptnono_config/enc-blocklist-generator.secret.py. It’s unencrypted and loaded by code in deployer/commands/generate/cryptnono_config/__init__.py. There is inline documentation in enc-blocklist-generator.secret.py, but how does one maintain it?

  1. Unencrypt the file with sops

     sops --decrypt deployer/commands/generate/cryptnono_config/enc-blocklist-generator.secret.py > deployer/commands/generate/cryptnono_config/blocklist-generator.secret.py

    This will create deployer/commands/generate/cryptnono_config/blocklist-generator.secret.py (which is in .gitignore and hence can not be committed accidentally) with the unencrypted code.


    Because this file is in .gitignore, your IDE may not show it to when you search for files by default!

  2. Work on the code as you wish - it’s just a regular python file.

  3. Re-encrypt it with sops

     sops --encrypt deployer/commands/generate/cryptnono_config/blocklist-generator.secret.py > deployer/commands/generate/cryptnono_config/enc-blocklist-generator.secret.py
  4. Run deployer generate cryptnono-secret-config to test.