Create a new AWS account#

When we create a new AWS account[1], we create it to be a AWS Member Account to our AWS Management Account 2i2c-sandbox. We then grant permissions to a group of IAM users in the management account to manage the created member account. Like this, we can sign in to manage the member accounts using users defined in the 2i2c-sandbox account.

More information on these terms can be found in AWS Access.

  1. Login at

  2. Visit the Management Console of 2i2c-sandbox, the AWS Management Account

  3. Visit the Organizations Accounts Console and click “Add an AWS account”


    You can find this page by searching “organizations” in the search bar once you’re authenticated.

  4. Enter an AWS account name

    Avoid using 2i2c in the account name in case the user decides to exercise their right to replicate at some point.

  5. Enter an email address for the account’s owner

    Use support+aws-<aws account name>, like It will still be delivered to but still function as a unique username identifier. This is called subaddressing.

  6. Click “Create AWS account”

  7. AWS will send an email to freshdesk about this new account, opening a new ticket. Close the ticket in freshdesk to keep our support queue clean.

  8. Once the new account is created, visit the AWS accounts section of the IAM Identity Center

  9. To add the new account to our SSO:

    • Select the checkbox next to the new account and then click the “Assign users or groups” button

    • On the “Groups” tab, select the “2i2c-engineers” group. Click “Next”.

    • On the “Permission Set” page, select “AdministratorAccess”. Click “Next”.

    • On the “Review and submit assignments” page, click “Submit”.

You have successfully created a new AWS account and connected it to our AWS Organization’s Management Account! Now, setup a new cluster inside it via Terraform.

Checking quotas and requesting increases#

Cloud providers like AWS require their users to request a Service Quota increase[2] for any substantial use of their services. Quotas act as an upper bound of for example the number of CPUs from a certain machine type and the amount of public IPs that the account can acquire.

When an AWS account is created under our AWS Organization, the default quotas that AWS applies to our organization are already set up for for the new account. By default, we don’t need to request quota increases here.

We typically need to increase three kinds of quotas described below. The values of these are all ‘Total CPUs’ and hence larger nodes consume more quota.

  • Standard instance quota (Running On-Demand Standard (A, C, D, H, I, M, R, T, Z) instances)

    These instances are what we use for everything besides the exceptions noted below.

    By default, AWS grants us 640 quota here.

  • Spot instance quota (All Standard (A, C, D, H, I, M, R, T, Z) Spot Instance Requests)

    A spot instance is a cheaper instance not guaranteed to be available like standard instances are. We configure these to be used by dask worker pods as created for dask-gateway provided clusters.

    By default, AWS grants us 640 quota here.

  • GPU instance or high memory instance quota

    A GPU instance quota (Running On-Demand G and VT instances, Running On-Demand P instances) or a High Memory instance quota (Running On-Demand High Memory instances) is requested specifically to be able to use GPU powered machines or machines with high amounts of RAM memory.

    By default, AWS grants us 64 quota here for GPU instances and 448 for high memory instances.

Manually requesting a quota increase#

  1. Visit the Service Quotas console and select “AWS services” from the left-hand side menu

  2. Search for the service you would like to manage the quotas for, e.g., “Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS)”

  3. Select the quota you would like to manage, e.g., “Nodes per managed node group”

  4. Click the “Request quota increase” button in the “Recent quota increase requests” section of the page

  5. Fill in the form that pops up and change the quota value (must be greater than the current quota value), then click “Request”